I didn't know what to title this so..
Finally got my stuff from Taobao. :D
Sooo satisfied okay.
Studded jacket thing and skater skirt :)
I've yet to receive my shoes LOL
Went out with my love today after she came home from school
We went shopping trying to look for shorts for me :D
But ended up getting everything but shorts.
As always.
our #ootd's?
We planned this out ;P
Went to Prangin first to look for shorts.
All of them were too big.
The only place I saw a pair of shorts which was very nice was EUROCHIC.
The have nice stuff.
Like, very hipsterish. .___.
Never expected to see a shop like that in Prangin.
But I did get a top from one of the other shops there :)
After that, we went to 1st Avenue to have a look at Moris and get some food :)
Got a peplum top and tank top.
Gosh so pretty :D
We went to get some food after that. :D
Took us quite long to decide where to eat.
Too much food there :S
We ended up at Crazy potato. :D
and then back to Prangin to go back to her place. :)
We started to vain even more there :P
Yeah then after that came over to my place to swim :)
Yeah bad luck me got locked out of the house so I didn't get to swim
She's gonna kill me if she sees this :P
Yeah then went to Pasar malam at night.
SOOOO freaking packed ok can suffocate there
But the food
Chao Tofu
Sugar cane water
Japanese pancake
Bacon and sausage
Becon and mushrooms
Fried ice cream
omg all the food.
Yeah and when I came home,
another episode of bad luck Brenda
House no electricity.
and im sticky and smell of smoke and etc.
What could be worse ok.
gah at least the electricity came back on after like, an hour.
I'm glad I finally had a warm shower
Song of the day:
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